This section was created by broncosfan3
First things first you must open your Itunes or what ever media player you use.
After opening your media player you must then go to your web browser and go to .
Click the Download TuneUp button it will be red.After going to your media player just simply press TUNE UP magic will happen before your eyes and this is what your library could look like..
And thats all there is to it!!!
This section is created by Charles Dickson
Step 1: Go to start menu
Step 2: Click control panel
Step 3: Under the appearance and personalization haeding, choose change [ m desktop background]
Step 4: Choose where you want your desktop image to come from. Ie: my pictures, sample pictrues or solid color
Step 5: Chooes an image from your selected locition. Than you can choose how you want to position your image. Be sure to click save changes
Step 6: You have finished personalizing your desktop!! You should now see the image you chose as your background
** This section is reserved for project by Brandon Kostus and Zach Setula**
This section reserved for Kevin Kilbourn
My Project is on the Print Screen Key and How to use It
To print a page as it appears on the monitor all that is required is to press the "print screen key"
Then print as normal and it works
If you would like to just print the last screen viewed, without all the unnecessary adds and all the crap on the sides of your screen, all you have to do is use the Alt and Print Screen keys together to accomplish this
Then just print as you normally would.
This section created by Amy Rouech
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
how to video
This section created by Matt Crain
Step One
First you have to right-click on the desktop.Go to new.Click on folder.
Step Two
After you click on folder, Type
Step Three
After typing the code, the folder will look like this.
Step Four
Double click on the folder and now you have access to all the commands possible you can do to your computer in one folder, instead of going all over the place and doing a scavenger hunt for it.
This section created by Jillian Neubecker
How to upload pictures to your computer from a memory card.
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four